Academic Schedule

              SCHEDULE 2008

The intensive periods of instruction planned for this academic year are:

January 14-25 (2 weeks)
March 10-14 (1 week)
May 26 - June 6 (2 weeks)
September 8-19 (2 weeks)
October 13-24 (1 week)

           SCHEDULE 2007

The intensive periods of instruction planned for this academic year are:

January 15-26 (2 weeks)
March 19-23 (1 week)
May 28 - June 8 (2 weeks)
September 10-21 (2 weeks)
October 15-19 (1 week)
Monthly tutorials will be held in Kiev and Odessa on alternate dates, so that students can choose their tutorial. If they normally attend in one city and have a conflict, they may be able to attend the alternate tutorial in the other city.

       Write for more information: