Graduation 2008 – ERSU celebrated the beginning of its 8th year of operation with yet another Graduate! Andrei Dilyuk of Minsk, Belarus, received his Masters in Divinity, which was celebrated with a solemn Cap & Gown ceremony on September 13th. We are thankful for the participation of the Praise team from the Presbyterian Church of the Holy Trinity in Kyiv, and visitors from the UERC Reformed Church of Kyiv. Our speaker was missionary Eric Huber of MTW.


Women's Day was held at the seminary again in September, led by three of our Presbyterian pastors' wives. The Student association organized an evening of fun and shish-kebab, including the induction of 5 new students to the student body. PTL, we now have 30 MDiv students.


Our September sessions included the following courses:

 - Eschatology (The End Times), Pastor Duncan Rankin, PhD, from Augusta, Georgia

 - Christian Ethics, Pastor Bob Lynn from Ann Arbor, Michigan

 - Pastoral Epistles, Pastor Nick from Paris ("Sources" Biblical Studies program)


October session will be shared with our sister seminary UBS, and our students will attend a course on pastoral counseling taught by Dr. Richard Watson, PCA pastor and former Academic Dean of RTS.


Belarussian Graduate Andrei Dilyuk loves languages – he even greeted our audience at graduation in Ukrainian. He will be coming down from Minsk each month from October to January to work with students who are beginning their Hebrew studies.