Arkady Nikolaevich was an elderly gentleman in our church. He had worked in the Soviet military and secret service, but he came to faith in Jesus Christ and joined our church – a fruit of the Soup Kitchen Ministry our church had for many years. He loved to ride horses and he spoke German whenever he could find a likely foreigner.

 Arkady’s service was distinctive in the honor he paid the Lord. After he took up the offering each Sunday, he would march up to the front of the church and click his heels in salute as he placed the collection box on the Lord’s Table. It was a precious and sincere honor to his Lord.

 Arkady died on July 14th at age 82. He had been sick for a while, but he requested a service and meal at our church in his memory. This is not a Ukrainian custom, so it was a unique event, and his daughter attended. It was very special and he was a very special man, now in the presence of his Lord Jesus. We will miss him.