Posted on FB by one of our seminary graduates and pastor of one of our Kiev churches, as clouds gathered at about 3pm, 2/19/14:
Dear Church & Dear Friends,
As you have noticed , the situation in Kiev and in the country is deteriorating and in fact a state of emergency has already been introduced, although that is not advertised openly. Highway access into Kiev is limited, the metro is not running, and the city center is blocked by armed police.
The situation on the Maidan Square is not the most favorable - every minute there is a danger of violent dispersal of the crowd.
In fact, the authorities are trying to stifle dissent, and are not going to make any concessions to the protesters.
I felt it necessary , as a pastor , to address you on this situation .
By and large , the authorities are leaving the protesters the choice to pack up and go home or to take up arms. This is evident on the Independence posts and in the mass media. Especially when we see that the Maidan protest has no explicit leader able to resolve the situation peacefully and without loss to the parties. In such a situation, we foresee the high probability of armed clashes.
In this case, I think it's very important that we as Christians understand what to do and how to behave in such a situation.
It is obvious that all of us in the church are united in accusing the Ukrainian authorities of corruption , lack of fairness, and having all the signs of authoritarianism. Yet, we often disagree on the method to correct the situation. Some believe that the issue should be solved only within the framework of existing legislation (elections, peace negotiations , etc.). Others believe that, in this case, the protesters and the people of Ukraine have the legitimate right to revolt and may consider drastic actions, in view of the fact that the government itself violates the law .
I will not condemn or support one side or the other at the official level , although I have my personal opinion about it. Nevertheless , we must be responsive to one another’s views and, most importantly, stick to biblical principles and estimates of this situation. This is our only hope for unity in the church and among Christians. This is the key to our action as a church and to every individual believer’s action.
Scripture allows both the solutions which I mentioned above. The Bible allows for this situation to be guided by Scripture, the laws of the state, and freedom of the conscience. In fact, the correct Christian response to such situations is a combination of all of these three components , which must be guided by wisdom and common sense.
So I , as pastor , urge you to remain faithful primarily to the biblical principles in every situation, led by the Holy Spirit, your conscience and common sense. If you think that you should not intervene in the conflict (and there are legitimate ways to practice his permission), then go with this understanding. And no church, no individual should judge you for it. But iff you feel that your place is on the barricades and on the front lines, that's also your choice, and there are scriptural examples of this, as well. But in this case, I urge you to be careful to keep your Christian witness, and to weigh your every move from the point of view of Scripture. There also remains to call everyone to fulfill their Christian duty; namely , to pray for resolution of the situation, to help anyone in need (no matter what side they take of the conflict), to seek to preserve peace, to have mercy, and to protect justice. All this is in the Scriptures; it is our duty as Christians; and God calls us to this, especially in these times.
Of course, our Church Council will discuss the situation and we will bring to your attention the decisions that we will use this situation in mind, which is constantly changing.
Brothers and sisters, nobody thought that things would come to this, but God apparently has other plans for our country at this time. And this is the reality we have to face together. But it is precisely at such times that the Christian faith is truly manifested -- through our actions, become an outstanding testimony of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
God calls Christians to be where people are most in need of their ministry and support, and no matter which side these people are on, let us be Christians not only in words, but above all, in our deeds, as the Holy Spirit encourages us; this is the greatest testimony of Christ in these days, and it is our duty.
Yes, God help us all , and save our country and every one of you from evil !
In Christ , Your Pastor