Click here to watch a 7-minute video that presents the work of ERSU:
This is an MTW video, but the presenter is our ERSU Seminary Administrator and Registrar, Dennis Lukoshkin. He grew up in the Presbyterian Church of Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, and President Quarterman baptized his family as the first Presbyterian family in Ukraine. Now, his parents run the Belgorod-Dnestrovsky Christian Clinic and his brother Pavel is Administrator for the TULIP Publishing Company in Odessa – a whole family full of busy and diligent Christian Administrators!
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The ERSU Staff met today in Kyiv with Jasmin Mili? of Croatia. We are exploring cooperation with him to start a new seminary to serve Croatia, Serbia, and the surrounding region. It will be called the “Mihael Starin” Protestant Theological Seminary, and will be based on the ERSU model.
Pastor Jasmin worked for 5 years in the Osiek seminary, pastors two churches, teaches school, and has a family, but he has an undying vision to see a Reformed seminary operating in Croatia, and he loves the ERSU model. A pilot program is planned for fall of 2010, and further meetings with ERSU staff in spring 2011. Please pray for wisdom and resources as we try to share our experience and help get them going.
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We had a quite cold and snowy 2-week session in January, but it was a great one, in spite of some who struggled with colds. One night, the students planned and carried out a seminar on teamwork that included fun team games to illustrate their points. Intensive classes were offered on Greek, Communications and Leadership, OT Poetry, and Preaching.
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As of this week, ERSU seminary has been operating for 10 years. We are planning a celebration for September 18th, but we are holding classes again this week in the forest outside Kyiv. The courses being taught in these two weeks are:
Ethics Ad deBrugne, Kampen (Netherlands)
Synoptic Gospels Dennis Ireland, RTS Jackson, Mississippi
Theological English Natasha Turetskaya, Kyiv
Systematic Theology Jos Colijn, Kyiv (Reformed Ch of Netherlands(l))
Pray for the students to remain diligent in ministry and assignments this summer. The Staff will be traveling to the States and Netherlands to maintain the seminary’s prayer and support base and report on the great things the Lord has done.
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Due to an outbreak of the H1N1 virus (swine flu) in Ukraine, travel has been restricted in some regions of the country. There have been a number of flu-related deaths, and many people are starting to wear masks as a precaution. The Prime Minister has also closed all the schools for 3 weeks. ERSU Seminary has therefore cancelled our monthly tutorial meeting for November. Please pray for the people affected, and pray that things will soon return to normal.
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