Clay is on the board of TULIP Publishing, a ministry of the Odessa Presbyterian Church on behalf of the Presbytery of Ukraine.
They publish Reformed works in Russian and Ukrainian to serve Christ's Church, joining with well-known publishers in the West to provide quality translations.
The Russian site of TULIP:
TULIP has wanted to buy a “duplicator” printing press for several years, but it costs around $10,000. We received gifts for $1,050 and it continues to be in great need – especially for EVANGLISM materials! A book on evangelism has been written by one of our Presbyterian elders, and we need this press to provide the materials as the program is developed for use in local churches. Local pastors added that they also need small runs of evangelistic brochures and tracts, church-planting programs, and educational materials that remain out of print until such a press can become cost-effective.
Tax-free donations may be made here: Ukraine: Materials Translation (95982) - /Printing Press/
Recent Publications in process include: Keep a Quiet Heart (Elliot), Power Encounters (Powlison), How People Change (Tripp), Competent to Counsel (Adams), Insight and Creativity (Adams)
Is there a book you would like to see available in Russian? TULIP continues to seek private orders, as well, and has translated, published, and distributed these Russian books in Israel and the USA, among other countries. These books can be a wonderful tool with emigrants and foreign students, or as a gift to the Russian-speaking national churches you may support.
One of the ongoing projects is the “Reformed Hymns” project, seeking to provide an overview and examples of Reformed hymnology through the centuries, translated into Russian.
TULIP is also developing its online Bookstore. You can visit it (or SHARE it) here: SHARE this link on Facebook with your Russian friends!
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Part of the activity of TULIP is in finding its place in the evangelical community and finding its niche in the publishing world. To this end, TULIP Director Lyuda Voronchenko has participated in the Ukrainian Christian Publishers Association since its founding in 2006, with sponsorship of the David C. Cook publishers. (Link with photos:,143,7,9 )
Partnerships were also encouraged with the largest Christian publishers in Russian by trips to Moscow and St. Petersburg. One of TULIP’s greatest accomplishments of the year was the co-publication of the Jesus Storybook Bible, which presents Bible stories from a Reformed viewpoint in Russian, with tasteful art and solid, reformed theology on a child’s level. It is receiving a wide distribution and makes a wonderful gift for young families.
The year 2011 was a hard one for all Christian publishers in Ukraine, but TULIP was still able to keep moving, publishing 6 new books and republishing 3 existing titles:
Tools of the Spirit (Quarterman), Dependency (Welch) and Study Guides for students and leaders, Luther’s Table Talks, Commentary on the Westminster Confession, His Word before All (Brink), Jesus in the Pages of the Bible (Lloyd-Jones), HB of Church Discipline (Adams), Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage (Adams)
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Clay’s book on Spiritual Gifts was just released in Russian by TULIP Publishers of Odessa. Its English title is “Re-forming our Spiritual Gifts” and the Russian title is “Tools of the Spirit: A New Look at Spiritual Gifts.” Clay has been using this material in ERSU seminary classes for several years, and decided to put it in book form to make it more widely useful in the Church. It is based on a fresh examination of the biblical texts from a Reformed standpoint, rather than simply reworking other commonly-available models. Many of the current models begin from a Charismatic bias. This book is designed, however, so that any Christian can use the model according to their understanding of Scripture, their theology and church tradition. Here is the ad on their site:
Орудия Духа. Клей Квартерман
Новинка! Скоро в продаже!
В книге «Орудия духа» автор достаточно подробно объясняет, в чем состоит каждый духовный дар, и проводит различие между должностями, дарами и способностями. Эта книга предназначена разным читателям разных конфессий.
Реформатские читатели будут особенно рады узнать, что в книге отражен Кальвинов подход функциональной эквивалентности к духовным дарам.
Остальные читатели найдут для себя полезным сравнение данного похода с другими трактовками.
«Проведенный заново анализ библейских текстов, свидетельствует о том, что дары Божьи являются главным источником нашего возрастания в святости и единстве. Если мы пренебрегаем ими, мы пренебрегаем тем самым средствами, которые даровал Бог для нашего возрастания» - Клэй Квартерман.
Russian only (Not yet published in English):
Tools of the Spirit: A New Look at Spiritual Gifts (Odessa: Tulip Publishers, 2011) by Clay Quarterman
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Praise God that Lyuda has been granted a visa to attend the Denver Christian Publishers' Conference in July 2009! God answered prayer in opening this door, and it is a unique opportunity for her to meet these publishers face-to-face with whom she has been doing business for several years.
TULIP Publishers has continued to translate and publish books, and promote Reformed literature across Ukraine -- and beyond. This year, they are opening a bookstore on the back side of our Pastera Street church!
Recent Publications include The Heart of a Servant Leader (Jack Miller), The Unchanging Heart of Evangelism (Jerram Barrs, professor at Covenant Seminary), When People are Big and God is Small (Welch), and the very popular Olympic Series of VBS materials.
Please pray for continued contracts and publishing opportunities, providing critical materials for the growth of the church in Ukraine.
The Russian site of TULIP:
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TULIP has been very busy this year, not only continuing to publish, but growing in recognition in the marketplace.
Lyuda has attended a number of conferences, churches, and seminaries to present our books and share our vision. We have also outfitted our office in Odessa which was purchased last year, and we have outfitted a warehouse for the books. Lyuda has also hired several workers this year: Of special note is Pavel Lukoshkin from our Belgorod-Dnestrovsky church.
The Russian site of TULIP:
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