с 16 по 20 июля
19:00, Пастера 62
Приглашаем вас послушать музыку юга Америки: Элвиса Пресли, блюз,
музыка встиле «кантри» и «госпел»
Возможность поучаствовать в дискуссии по вопросам истории, посмотреть видео и фото о юге Америки. Живое общение, личные истории, ответы на вопросы (вы сможете даже попробовать гритс!)
Понедельник – музыка в стиле «госпел» и блюз
Вторник – музыка Элвис и «кантри»
Среда – музыка в стиле «госпел» и блюз
Четверг – музыка Элвис и «кантри»
Пятница – джаз, г. Натчез, американская опера
Мастер-класс по живописи проводит американский художник: Adrianne Penney Эскиз, рисунок пером, пейзаж, натюрморт понедельник - пятница, 15:00 |
Разговорный английский южных штатов (Southern English) – Попрактикуйтесь в диалекте южных штатов США с гостями из Америки и послушайте Южные истории (для всех возрастов) понедельник - пятница, 15:00
“Y’all Come!” (Приглашаем всех!!)
Вход свободный!
Культурная программа организована при поддержке БФ "Содействие" и
Евангельской Реформатской Пресвитерианской церкви г. Одесса
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Our church plant in North Odessa has run into some complications with their legal documents. We all take precautions to assure we operate as formally and legally as possible, but in Ukraine that can be quite complex! It truly teaches us to operate by faith. So we do ask for prayer as Pastor George and his assistant Andrei (an ERSU seminary student) try to iron out these things, even while continuing their active ministry.
Since Pastor George is on presbytery committees that have called him away this week, and Andrei is so busy with studies, work, and these legal matters, their plate is full. So Clay will be preaching this Sunday (April 29) at the North Odessa church plant. The sermon is from Romans 6:1-14, on "Improving your Baptism"!
If you don't know what that is, you can check out the Westminster Larger Catechism #167, which starts thus: "The needful but much neglected duty of improving our Baptism, is to be performed by us all our life long...."
In the midst of such confusion and discussions over infant baptism, modes of baptism, effectiveness of baptism, etc., it is refreshing to return to the Word and think about how to BENEFIT from our baptism -- whatever mode or style we prefer. God gave us this sacrament as a blessing, not a curse!
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The Presbytery of Ukraine has a committee on Church Planting, of which Clay is a member. Last week, they held a 1-1/2 day Assessment, testing seven candidates as church planters. Four of these were current ERSU Seminary students and two were our graduates! Although no formal decisions were published, valuable input was gained by the committee and the candidates, as they seek to match up God's gifting with our vision for planting even more churches across Ukraine! This is a wonderful next step in the missionary work of the Ukrainian Presbyterians!
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Our L’viv Team finally launched their regular weekly worship in early 2012. They have spent a lot of time developing relationships, researching, and developing worship and liturgical styles and music that fit their demographic and hold to Reformed values. This has made their start slower, but our prayer is that it will lay foundations for a fully indigenous worship that can be shared all across the Ukrainian church.
The Lord has provided them with a fantastic rental facility in a very accessible and visible building. it is located between the 2 largest universities in W Ukraine! Although it is temporary, it is an ideal start.
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Once the Actors finally vacated the rooms they had illegally occupied for 10 years, the church finally gained access and could plan for its use in ministry. The latest developments:
1) The RODNIK Counseling Center did light renovation to two offices and moved into the ground floor in June. It is already receiving more clients than ever, creating a closer link with the church's ministries, and ministering to our own church people.
2) The Business Center is also renovating an office, launching the Metamorphosis leadership training program this fall.
3) Pastor Valera is a professional artist, and the church has formed an Arts Committee to develop the remaining space for multipurpose use, including art galleries, conference rooms, reading room, workshop, etc., in order to evangelize and impact the community for Christ through these popular means. What a wonderful way to apply our Reformed worldview! God has placed us very visibly in the middle of the city, and these ministries will help us touch the lives of people who walk by our doors every day.
WE NEED YOUR HELP!! Please pray for us and spread the word that we need renovation funds to get this Ministry Center fit for use! Tax-free donations may be made to MTW for the Odessa church building fund, project #95990.
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