Summer Season
Summer should be sunny and bright. But Clouds of War continue gathering in the East, and the whole world seems in turmoil. Whatever the seasons in our lives, however, we are to be faithful: “Preach the Word… In Season and Out of Season” (2 Tim 4:2).
In Season – This is the Regular Ministry: Preaching and teaching goes on apace. Clay is no longer President of seminary, so he’s free to develop Christian Education and to consult on Women’s Ministry. Seminary duties continue: grading, keeping up with students, preparing to teach fall classes, Board and Staff meetings, Graduation, team care, occasional preaching in our local church, and traveling to Poland to teach the whole Book of Acts in one week!
Marriage seems to be in season, as several of our students and church members are tying the knot. Hooray! May the Lord raise up more covenant families! Darlene took July to help family in Jackson, and we may come on Home Ministry Assignment in winter.
Out of Season – These are the sometimes odd opportunities that arise in the midst of our faithful service:
- Doing Egg Toss and singing “Proud Mary” at English Club, which led to side discussions and individual sessions. These led to further Discipleship meetings, correcting aberrant internet teachings on divorce and remarriage. Some students have received Christ and are coming to church!
- WAR has brought upheaval to many. We visited Refugees in Odessa and Syrian refugees in Poland. We got to know refugee families in Kiev. Will the Russian War come further west? Seminary student Sasha moved from the East to central Ukraine, so he decided to plant a church there! Clay is consulting. Just as in the book of Acts, God even uses evils such as persecution and war to spread his Good News. New Student Mikhail told Clay in his intake interview that military service led him to seek the meaning of life, leading then to church and to faith. This is a day of opportunity! Please PRAY.
- Meetings with refugees, Chaplains, and PTSD counselors tell us that many Christian Pacifists end up at war, struggling to connect duty to country and family with their theology. So, we dedicated an issue of the ERSU Seminary Journal to this, and Clay contributed “Christian Ministry in Time of War”.
Ukraine continues her struggle for Freedom. But her real and eternal hope is only in Jesus! Thanks for your prayers for Ukraine!
Clay & Darlene Quarterman,
Kiev, Ukraine
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As all of you know now, these last three months Ukraine has been through the peaceful protests against the basic freedom rights oppression from our Government and so called President side. But the last week as you have seen on TV was the worst for us, but at the same time, all these events were the true witness of literally a miracle.
This is shortly a last week's review of my own
in events here in downtown Kiev:

Tuesday 18th - CATASTROPHY. The crowd goes with peaceful protest to the Parliament building to demand to return to the Constitution 2004 to get back the power from the President, that he got by manipulating the Constitutional court. The crowd is being attacked by the riot police - about 20 killed - many injured. Protestors had NO weapons. The riot police surrounded the Main square in Kiev and the battle between the activists and the police is right there now in a 100 ft in almost every direction from the center of the Square.

Thursday 20th - NIGHTMARE, HORROR AND PANIC. The police snipers shoot 83 people downtown, including activists , protestors and even accident wonderers of the Main square - the Square instead is being filled with more and more people, that are ready to wipe away the police and the gvnmt no matter what
Liberty church-plant and the Big City Church where I still serve part time were not aside of all these events. Our Liberty team member Misha Zasko, was wounded in his leg by the piece of the light-sound bomb, but he is completely alright now. The members of Liberty team and the Big City church were standing on the square with protestors praying in the Christian tent there, feeding the protestors with food and tea, helping to pass the stones to the protestors, helping to build the barricades, bringing gasoline, patrolling the streets of Kiev, helping protecting the city limits, helping in the church-hospital and MANY-MANY-MANY other input into the peaceful revolution for freedom as the Scripture commands us to protect the justice and protect the oppressed. Some of us were even standing on the barricades, protecting the activists with the shields, while their fight in front of the riot police bullets and fire. And we are proud, that we have been the part of that and that we were there with the people of Ukraine.
Praise be to God, that none of us is dead or seriously injured. Praise God, that American missionaries from the Liberty team were in time to leave and those who stayed is safe too. Praise be to God we are not ashamed to look into the people's eyes, when they ask if we were there.
Now, the country is recovering. The President is wanted for the mass killings, the Parliament is renewed and working. The country is in a great hope for the brighter future and the people are attentive to the prayers and the Word of God (and have always been all that time). There are only few troubles on the East of Ukraine, but we hope people there will settle down soon and the Russia is always a trouble J - but we believe the Western countries is a great guarantee of our unity as a country. Isn't it all above amazing?!
SO, the life is getting back to normal slowly, but surely and we get back to our church-planting plans. We still hope to have a breaking-ground project for our church-planting active fase of work and we are now waiting for the short-term team request to be answered in order to conduct this project more effectively.
I would like to share with you the prayer needs we pray about at the team meetings, so that you can join us in those too:
- We pray to have the first Liberty worship service in November 2014
- We pray our work in summer will be effective no less, since we have all our American missionaries team members leaving for the summer due to the various reasons. So, it's going to be just us - Ukrainians, short-term team from US (we hope) and a couple of US interns (we hope).
- We pray for our team to be able to do a lot of work closer to the summer
- We pray for the future members of the church in Kiev, with such a name JLiberty
Some of you have been asking all these days how can you help, but praying. Praise be to God we were not in need during the revolution....
Again, my friends, thank you all so much for our last week's common prayer fight for Ukraine - we all see it, it made a miracle with our country.
Liberty Presbyterian
So, please continue to pray for our churches. They are all facing similar struggles, and things aren't over yet!
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I was copied on an Email today between our church deacons in Kiev: 'Can you print the bulletins for Sunday?' 'Sure. But the main thing is to be able to get there. Yesterday, all the roads here were blockaded -- sheer terror. But I'll get through the barricade, and the main thing is to run and not die on the way."
Would YOU do that to go to church?! Let's value the freedom we have to worship! LET'S ALL BE IN CHURCH this Sunday!
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Posted on FB by one of our seminary graduates and pastor of one of our Kiev churches, as clouds gathered at about 3pm, 2/19/14:
Dear Church & Dear Friends,
As you have noticed , the situation in Kiev and in the country is deteriorating and in fact a state of emergency has already been introduced, although that is not advertised openly. Highway access into Kiev is limited, the metro is not running, and the city center is blocked by armed police.
The situation on the Maidan Square is not the most favorable - every minute there is a danger of violent dispersal of the crowd.
In fact, the authorities are trying to stifle dissent, and are not going to make any concessions to the protesters.
I felt it necessary , as a pastor , to address you on this situation .
By and large , the authorities are leaving the protesters the choice to pack up and go home or to take up arms. This is evident on the Independence posts and in the mass media. Especially when we see that the Maidan protest has no explicit leader able to resolve the situation peacefully and without loss to the parties. In such a situation, we foresee the high probability of armed clashes.
In this case, I think it's very important that we as Christians understand what to do and how to behave in such a situation.
It is obvious that all of us in the church are united in accusing the Ukrainian authorities of corruption , lack of fairness, and having all the signs of authoritarianism. Yet, we often disagree on the method to correct the situation. Some believe that the issue should be solved only within the framework of existing legislation (elections, peace negotiations , etc.). Others believe that, in this case, the protesters and the people of Ukraine have the legitimate right to revolt and may consider drastic actions, in view of the fact that the government itself violates the law .
I will not condemn or support one side or the other at the official level , although I have my personal opinion about it. Nevertheless , we must be responsive to one another’s views and, most importantly, stick to biblical principles and estimates of this situation. This is our only hope for unity in the church and among Christians. This is the key to our action as a church and to every individual believer’s action.
Scripture allows both the solutions which I mentioned above. The Bible allows for this situation to be guided by Scripture, the laws of the state, and freedom of the conscience. In fact, the correct Christian response to such situations is a combination of all of these three components , which must be guided by wisdom and common sense.
So I , as pastor , urge you to remain faithful primarily to the biblical principles in every situation, led by the Holy Spirit, your conscience and common sense. If you think that you should not intervene in the conflict (and there are legitimate ways to practice his permission), then go with this understanding. And no church, no individual should judge you for it. But iff you feel that your place is on the barricades and on the front lines, that's also your choice, and there are scriptural examples of this, as well. But in this case, I urge you to be careful to keep your Christian witness, and to weigh your every move from the point of view of Scripture. There also remains to call everyone to fulfill their Christian duty; namely , to pray for resolution of the situation, to help anyone in need (no matter what side they take of the conflict), to seek to preserve peace, to have mercy, and to protect justice. All this is in the Scriptures; it is our duty as Christians; and God calls us to this, especially in these times.
Of course, our Church Council will discuss the situation and we will bring to your attention the decisions that we will use this situation in mind, which is constantly changing.
Brothers and sisters, nobody thought that things would come to this, but God apparently has other plans for our country at this time. And this is the reality we have to face together. But it is precisely at such times that the Christian faith is truly manifested -- through our actions, become an outstanding testimony of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
God calls Christians to be where people are most in need of their ministry and support, and no matter which side these people are on, let us be Christians not only in words, but above all, in our deeds, as the Holy Spirit encourages us; this is the greatest testimony of Christ in these days, and it is our duty.
Yes, God help us all , and save our country and every one of you from evil !
In Christ , Your Pastor
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An Odessa News Site considers this "The most beautiful church in Odessa"
The Most Beautiful Church in Odessa ( photo ), Wednesday, February 5, 2014, 13:17
Первый одесский портал - «Глобус Одессы»:
"For almost 120 years, a magnificent architectural monument has pleased the eyes of Odessans: the Reformed Church building on Pasteur St., #62. Please forgive us, Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, but this to us seems to be the most beautiful church in Odessa.
"She came as if out of a fairy tale. This unusual building of northern-European inspiration greets us at the exit of Central Park and defines the landscape of one of the most significant points in the center of Odessa. Today, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church is located in the building, and during the Soviet Union a puppet theater operated there.
"The church was built during 1892-1896. Her designer was Victor Schroeter, an ethnic German from St. Petersburg. His name is not the most famous in the classical architecture of Odessa, but it was Schroeter who was honored as the chief architect of the old train station, which was destroyed during World War II."
Check out the pictures on their site and see for yourself:
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